Facebook Issues by Sheryl Jefferson

I hear this all the time:
"I post on my platform but I can't get any interaction from my audience."

"It's like I am talking into a void, no one is listening!"

"Why isn't anyone liking or responding to my posts?"

"I am putting all this time-consuming work into something that gets no return"

Sounds familiar? You spend all this time working and growing your social media but sometimes think is it all really worth it?

Truth is, yes...but only if you are using it right!

Gone are the days where as a business you could put up a post on social media and you were guaranteed exposure.

Today there are so many platforms and many businesses vying for the attention of your audience. It's noisy out there and attention spans are getting shorter.

The customer is spoilt for choice. There are so many options out there and your marketing has to stand out.

It's not that your audience is not listening, it's your audience are more clued up than ever before. The hard sell and snazzy promises are not cutting it. They are expecting more and to be connected with authentically.

Facebook is the common platform most businesses use, and with over 1 BILLION active daily users, it's guaranteed that your ideal audience is hanging out there. How do you get to them?

Facebook is constantly rolling out ways to help businesses to get in front of that audience (yes, really!), but they are frankly rubbish at communicating it.

So, as a busy business owner, where do you start? Are there any quick wins which are actionable today?

The answer is simple. An audit of your Facebook business page can ensure you are taking advantage of the latest features it has to offer to increase your visibility and getting that all important edge over your competition.
I have put together a video and an PDF which gives you a Facebook business page audit...for FREE!

Click the link below and opt-in to get instant access...and ENJOY!

Give me access to my FREE Facebook page audit guide.

Sheryl Jefferson from Light Tree Media - www.lighttreemedia.co.uk

Facebook Issues?